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Don't have a MyFreedelity account yet?
Create one!

Don't have a MyFreedelity account yet?
Create one!

Forgot your password?

In order to identify you and protect access to your personal data, please fill in your login or email address.

⟨ Cancel

Forgot your username?

In order to identify you and protect access to your personal data, please fill in your login or email address.

⟨ Cancel

We found your profile in our system.

An email has just been sent to you with the steps to follow to set a new password.

We found your profile in our system.

An email has just been sent to you with your login details.

See you soon on MyFreedelity!

The email address you entered was not found in our system.

Please choose one of the two possibilities below to identify yourself.

A confirmation email will then be sent to you specifying the steps to follow to connect securely and access your personal data

Retrieve your profile by using a card (eID, Intermarché card, Delitraiteur, etc.)

You don't have a card?
No problem, just fill out the following fields:


No profile was found.

It seems that you don't have a profile in our system yet.

Create your profile today to take advantage of the many MyFreedelity benefits!

Create my profile

We found your profile in our system.

An email has just been sent to you with your new password.

See you soon on MyFreedelity!

We found your profile in our system.

This profile is linked to the email address ....
Please use this email address to reset your password.
If you no longer have access to this email address, please contact our support centre.

Reset my passwordContact support centre